Apple cinnamon cereal

 Prepare for a  delightful breakfast with my Apple Cinnamon Cereal recipe! It's warm, ameliorating, and overflowing with flavor.😋

 We should make a plunge:


- 1 cup  oats

- 2 cups water or milk (dairy or plant-based)

- 1 medium apple, stripped and diced

- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

- 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (discretionary)

- Touch of salt

- Discretionary fixings: cleaved nuts, raisins, a shower of milk, or a sprinkle of earthy colored sugar

Presently, how about we fire concocting some oats sorcery!

Bit - by - bit :

1. Prepare the Apples: 

Strip and dice your apple into little pieces. You can utilize any assortment you like, however I love the pleasantness of Fuji or Occasion apples in my cereal.

2. Cook the Oats: 

In a pan, join the moved oats and water or milk. Carry it to a delicate bubble over medium intensity, then diminish the intensity to low. Allow it to stew, mixing once in a while, until the oats are delicate and velvety. This generally requires around 5-7 minutes.

3. Add the Apples: 

When the oats are practically cooked, mix in the diced apples. Allow them to stew alongside the oats until they're delicate, yet at the same time have a touch of nibble to them. This will mix your cereal with tasty apple flavor!

4. Sprinkle on the Cinnamon: 

Time to add that warm and comfortable cinnamon goodness! Sprinkle ground cinnamon over the cereal and give it a decent mix. Your kitchen will smell totally grand!

5. Sweeten to Taste: 

On the off chance that you like your cereal on the better side, you can mix in a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup. Change the pleasantness as you would prefer, and remember to give it a trial!

6. Season with Salt: 

A spot of salt could sound bizarre, however trust me, it draws out every one of the flavors in your oats. Simply a smidgen will get the job done!

7. Serve and Enjoy: 

When your oats is overall quite smooth, now is the ideal time to dole it out into bowls. Finish it off with your #1 garnishes - hacked nuts, raisins, a shower of milk, or a sprinkle of earthy colored sugar. Get imaginative and make it your own!

8. Dig In: 

Get a spoon and jump into your flavorful bowl of Apple Cinnamon Oats. It's the ideal method for beginning your day with a warm embrace from the back to front!

That's it - a basic and fulfilling recipe for Apple Cinnamon Cereal that will make them leap up toward the beginning of the day! 🍎🥣✨😋

Happy Cooking! 🤗
